I have done it, I have finally reached 10 fans on Newgrounds. Ever since i was a small kid i wished to be successful, to get somewhere in life. I spent years hoping for people to notice my amazing stuff, my so incredible high quality productions. Jimmy from school would always tell me "You'll never make it on the Internet, dumbass". Yeah well you'll never make it to your thirties Jimmy stfu.
Now I am at the top, im high in life. 10 followers. 10 completely devoted people who will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for me. Finally my dreams to become a leader are coming into fruition. Maybe even a boss. Hell, maybe even a GOD. Yes, that sounds better. A God, with uppercase G. I could get this following i could do anything. I might even be immortal, who knows.
After all these years getting petty followers on twitter, all i nedded to do was come here, and in the span of roughly a month i have already taken complete control of the site. I wouldn't be surprised if next week the staff decided to make me CEO, since i have such amazing infuelnce and charisma.
Thank you.
Good monologue there champ.